National strike: why the FBU must put a figure on its pay claim / Roger Blackwell

IN FIVE WEEKS’ time, the FBU will begin balloting its entire membership for national strike action in response to the employers’ derisory offer of a 2% increase in pay. In a video released yesterday, general secretary Matt Wrack confirmed that the executive council (EC) had decided against tabling a clearly-defined pay claim. Instead, it would… Continue reading National strike: why the FBU must put a figure on its pay claim

As national fire strike looms, FBU annual conference must be recalled! / Roger Blackwell

THE FBU’s executive council has today (6 September) released a statement on pay. The statement informs members that a ballot for national strike action will be held in response to the unacceptable 2% pay offer made by the fire service employers back in June. This blog today makes the demand for an urgent recall of… Continue reading As national fire strike looms, FBU annual conference must be recalled!

So which FBU official said..? / Anna Shalamova

RUMMAGING THROUGH THE basement archives at CDFBU Towers, we found an old edition of Solidarity, a now-defunct Left-wing bulletin produced by a veteran trade union campaigner. The particular edition we stumbled upon dated from 2004 – in the period after a bitter national strike in the fire and rescue service – and featured an interview… Continue reading So which FBU official said..?

Are senior FBU officials right to claim the union does not want to see the back of the Salvation Army at major incidents? (Answer: no) / hwr21

IN RESPONSE to our previous blog, highlighting how FBU annual conference in May supported a resolution calling for volunteer relief teams who did not support the causes of the LGBT movement to be prevented from offering assistance, in the way of food and drink, to fire crews at protracted and large-scale incidents, some senior officials… Continue reading Are senior FBU officials right to claim the union does not want to see the back of the Salvation Army at major incidents? (Answer: no)

FBU annual conference calls for ban on Christian fireground relief volunteers / hwr21

THIS BLOG HAS been made aware of discussions taking place between FBU members in various parts of the country over reports that the union is seeking to ban teams of relief volunteers from lending assistance to fire and rescue services during protracted and large-scale emergency incidents. These volunteers provide support and nourishment – in the… Continue reading FBU annual conference calls for ban on Christian fireground relief volunteers

Why does the FBU leadership consistently show contempt for the parliament of the union?

A RECURRING CRITICISM of the FBU leadership is that it regularly fails to properly progress resolutions agreed at the union’s annual conference. This is a long-running problem that shows no sign of being put right. Conference is often referred to as the “parliament” of the FBU. Every year, delegates representing FBU members in every local… Continue reading Why does the FBU leadership consistently show contempt for the parliament of the union?

Why is an FBU executive council member claiming that a failed strategy to attract an army of new members was really a success?

cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Richard Newall -

THIS BLOG HAS previously reported on how a ground-breaking strategy proposed by the FBU leadership to arrest a decline in membership numbers and secure the union’s future as an independent organisation has been left gathering dust on a shelf for seven years. The radical strategy – set out in a policy statement by the executive… Continue reading Why is an FBU executive council member claiming that a failed strategy to attract an army of new members was really a success?

FBU leadership: the charge sheet

Photo by 'It's No Game' on flickr

Why do we say that the FBU leadership has lost its way and is no longer fit to lead? Why do we accuse them of showing contempt for the principles of democracy, accountability and transparency? Well, here is the charge sheet (complete with hyperlinks). We are content for readers to judge whether or not our… Continue reading FBU leadership: the charge sheet

FBU leaders face contempt of court charge after failing to comply with accounts disclosure order / William_Potter

LEADERS OF THE Fire Brigades Union are potentially facing a contempt of court charge after admitting that they have destroyed or lost a number of accounting records which they had been ordered to disclose by the official trade union regulator. The records detailed the spending activities of senior officials. On 11 March, the regulator –… Continue reading FBU leaders face contempt of court charge after failing to comply with accounts disclosure order

FBU conference rebukes leadership over lost payments scandal

ON TUESDAY (10 May), the FBU’s annual conference debated a resolution, moved by the West Yorkshire delegation, instructing the union’s leadership to take heed of important rulings from employment tribunals and, where the rulings potentially benefit members, raise them with national employers with a view to ensuring consistent implementation across all local fire and rescue… Continue reading FBU conference rebukes leadership over lost payments scandal