Inspection of FBU accounts: the leadership finally relents

Photo by Darren Shaw from FreeImages

WE HAVE previously reported on how the FBU leadership had gone to extraordinary lengths to prevent us from exercising our legal rights as members to inspect the accounts of the union. We submitted a request to inspect the accounts back in April. The law requires a trade union to grant access to the accounts within… Continue reading Inspection of FBU accounts: the leadership finally relents

Why were FBU members charged the cost of deluxe fitness equipment purchased for the personal use of a senior official? / Osarieme Eweka

FBU general secretary ordered purchase of exercise bike costing over £2,000 from union funds Bike bought solely for personal benefit of senior colleague Was investigation into complaint compromised by interference from assistant general secretary? WHEN IT COMES to internal finances, a good rule of thumb for trade union officials is that they should treat members’… Continue reading Why were FBU members charged the cost of deluxe fitness equipment purchased for the personal use of a senior official?

Second whistleblower comes forward over ‘hush money’ payments at FBU head office

IN JUNE, WE published a blog which contained whistleblower testimony revealing how a ‘toxic’ working environment had taken hold at the head office of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) and how, over many years, several of the union’s employees had received secret pay-offs in return for signing non-disclosure agreements (also known as ‘gagging clauses’). Some… Continue reading Second whistleblower comes forward over ‘hush money’ payments at FBU head office

Are FBU members footing the bill for a key employee to work for a fringe political organisation which counts the general secretary as a member of its governing body?

[We stress from the outset that we level no accusation of wrongdoing against FBU employee Craig Lloyd, who is the focus of this blog.] Momentum is a political pressure group that sits on the far-Left of the spectrum. It is not affiliated to the Labour party, but tries to wield influence inside it. The organisation… Continue reading Are FBU members footing the bill for a key employee to work for a fringe political organisation which counts the general secretary as a member of its governing body?

Independent review should investigate whistleblower reports of ‘toxic’ working environment and payments of ‘hush money’ at FBU head office

Sean Starbuck - the latest high-ranking FBU employee to depart in mysterious circumstances

CAMPAIGN FOR A DEMOCRATIC FBU today calls on the leadership of the Fire Brigades Union to commission an independent review into whistleblower reports of a ‘toxic’ working environment over a sustained period at the union’s head office in south-west London. Our call comes the day after yet another high-ranking employee departed the union in unexplained… Continue reading Independent review should investigate whistleblower reports of ‘toxic’ working environment and payments of ‘hush money’ at FBU head office

Why are FBU leaders attempting to prevent members from inspecting the union’s accounts?

Photo by Colin Watts on Unsplash

The Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 is a major piece of legislation regulating labour law and the activities of trade unions in Britain. Section 30 of the Act enshrines the right of all trade union members to inspect the accounting records of their union. This section of the Act was designed to… Continue reading Why are FBU leaders attempting to prevent members from inspecting the union’s accounts?

In trying to avoid scrutiny, FBU leaders are treating members with contempt

Photo by theblowup on Unsplash

WHAT IS IT about democracy that frightens the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) leadership so much? Why do the most senior officials of our union fear members casting a critical eye over their actions and holding them to account? Do they believe in transparency, or don’t they? Following a decision by the FBU leadership to put… Continue reading In trying to avoid scrutiny, FBU leaders are treating members with contempt